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Producto: Hand Dynamometer Grip Strength Trainer - Electronic Hand Grip Strength Tester Grip Strengthener Hand Exerciser Meter Digital Hand Grip Training Gauge 265 Lbs / 120 Kgs for Sport Home School Use
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Gracias por la confianza- Accurate and Precise measurement of Grip Strength from 0 to 265lbs(120kgs)-Higher capacity-Equipped with high precision strain gauge sensor, the hand dynamometer gives you accurate momentary digital reading of gripping power. Measuring Capacity: 265lbs / 120kgs; Division: 0.2lbs / 0.1kgs This is a perfect Hand Dynamometer for physical therapists, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, and general practitioners.
- Efficient Device and Easy to Use-The display on the handle is simple to read, and the design of this Grip Strength Tester is lightweight. The length of the handles can be adjusted to accommodate different size hands. This Grip Strength Trainer Meter is so much more convenient than the old school manual ones that are hard to read and uncomfortable to use.
- Sturdy and Long-lastingThis Hand Dynamometer is made of high quality materials, which makes it sturdy and long-lasting. If you have been working on improving things with some pull up bars and pulley based exercises, This grip gauge is an excellent metric to use for determining improvement.
- Memory Record- This Electronic Hand Grip Strengthener Tester can store up to 19 user-definable data, and the records can be viewed at any time when needed; Moreover, after each test, the incremental increase or decrease from the last record is automatically displayed for comparison.
- Various occasions- Grip testing is necessary for sports such as rock climbing, wrestling and gymnastics, and it is also an important indicator of overall health. This Grip Strength Tester can be widely used in sports training, sports, family and clinical use.
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- Contamos con mensajero para la Gran Area Metropolitanda y para el resto del pais se realiza el envio por Correos de Costa Rica.
- Producto Importado, la entrega demora en promedio de 5 a 7 dias habiles para su entrega
- Se trabaja contra pedido. Debera abonar el 50% del monto o pagar completo para poder realizar su pedido
- El precio incluye flete, impuestos y seguro
- Puede darle comprar sin ningun compromiso, ahi encontrara nuestros datos de contacto y con gusto le brindaremos la informacion que necesite.
- Las fotografias del articulo son de referencia. Revise la descripcion y pregunte si aun tienes dudas.
- Los productos son importados por lo que sus manuales y operaciones podrian venir en ingles. No todos los productos poseen manual de usuario, esto depende del fabricante.
- Todos nuestros productos se ofrecen con por lo menos 3 meses de garantia de fabrica
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